KASINET offers web site development services. We have prepared web sites for a number of clients, and have a number of display tools at our command.
For example:
- Go to http://www.patchwerkes.com for a simple static page.
Notice the speckled background, variety of font colors and sizes, images (digital camera photos, clip art, computer-generated graphics) and links.
Also note the rapid download, of critical importance to viewers, who typically will grow impatient if web sites do not appear within 10 seconds.
- We can provide a slide show, that is, a series of images that continually "flip" one after another. See http://www.ks-usa.net/slideshow.htm for an example.
- Forms are very useful for getting feedback from site visitors or taking orders from prospective customers.
- Have you ever received a virtual greeting card? We designed one for Sandzén Gallery and you can view it at http://www.sandzen.org. Go ahead and test it out by sending a friend a greeting. And did you notice, in the upper left hand corner of the Sandzén greeting page, a button "VGA viewers, click here"? This offers an alternate page for web surfers with low-resolution screens, to avoid horizontal scroll bars. This is one of many "tricks of the trade" that we have available for our clients and that make the difference between high-quality web sites, and run-of-the-mill ho-hum sites.
- Finally, e-commerce. We have a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate that permits scrambling of important financial information such as credit card numbers, so that customers may securely place orders over the internet for merchandise offered by our clients.
Now that you have some idea of the quality of sites we have developed, here is a summary of the procedures involved.
- First, a web address is necessary. We can help you choose and register a name that is appropriate to your business.
- Next, a layout. This can be provided by the client, for example Sandzén Gallery did all their layout work, providing text on diskette and sketches of where certain images would fit and how pages would link. Client's existing brochures often are an appropriate starting point for layout development. We also have graphics artists who will assist, if you so desire.
- Images, a major part of any page, can be provided to us as photos, prints, or transparencies. Digital photographs can be sent on diskette or over the internet. We will assist in all this. By the way, no print is too large. Sandzén's "Red Rock Canyon", a 17" x 20" print, was successfully scanned in four pieces, resized, cropped and now downloads to create the image.
- Complex elements, such as forms for visitor input, can be created using Front Page extensions or CGI script. You design them, we handle the technical implementation. Perhaps you like certain elements of existing web sites. Just let us know, and we'll see what we can come up with.
- Finally, decorative elements are chosen. This includes backgrounds, logos, bars, list bullets, navigation buttons and many other features. Some are clip art, others are unique to the client. We can implement your ideas, and have many of our own to offer.
- For electronic commerce, often the client has his merchandise listed on a spreadsheet. This can usually be directly imported into our system, image files created, and .htm pages created using a utility we've developed. Periodic updates of prices, seasonal offerings and new merchandise are easily implemented. Once on-line, you receive via the Internet, orders complete with credit card information.
Copyright © 1998, 2002 Kansas Data,Inc
Last modified: July 22, 2002