Welcome to the Kansas Data home page.
Check out KASIMAIL's phenomenal new spam blocker!!!Sign up for KASIMAIL's ScanVirus and SPAM filtering e-mail services! Just $2/mailbox/month
KANSAS DATA announces web site hosting starting as low as $10/month
Customer statements available on-line via KASIbalance
KANSAS DATA provides the best email filtering value in town!
Available services:
Internet Access
- Kansas Data no longer offers wireless internet connectivity. Our KASINET wireless network was sold to Kansas Broadband of Salina in July of 2017. Please direct all inquiries regarding KASINET internet connectivity to Kansas Broadband Internet, Inc. at 785-825-0199.
Web Site Hosting
- Virtual Domain hosting and subhosting on the Internet
- Domain Name Service
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol) web site update capabilities available.
Web Site Development
- Electronic Commerce implementation
- Technical support and design to help you develop and implement an Internet strategy for your organization
Kansas Data Inc provides state-of-the-art email filtering and web-site hosting services.
Contact Information
- Telephone
- (785) 227-5335
- Postal address
- 2193 14th Ave. McPherson, KS 67460-8019
- Electronic mail
- General Information: sysop@ks-usa.net
Sales: connect@ks-usa.net
Customer Support: techsupport@ks-usa.net
Webmaster: sysop@ks-usa.net